- 1-2-3 Block - A precision ground block that is 1x2x3 inches. Useful for helping set up the machine.
- 2D - A prismatic part of constant thickness.
- 2-½ D - A prismatic part with multiple thicknesses. All planes are parallel to each other.
- 3D - A part that is not completely prismatic, including molds and organically shaped parts.
- Burr - A sharp edge or flashing.
- Block - A line of code in a CNC program.
- CAD - Computer Aided Design
- CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing.
- CDC - Cutter Diameter Compensation.
- CNC - Computer Numerical Control.
- Chip Load - The amount of material removed with each pass of a tool cutting edge.
- Datum - Point on the part from which all coordinates are referenced.
- Drill Chart - A table that shows drill sizes, their decimal equivalent, and what size drill to use for a specified tap.
- Feed - The linear speed at which a tool advances through material.
- First Article - The first part machined with a new program and setup.
- G-M Code - The CNC machine tool language.
- Gouge - An error that causes an overcut on the part.
- High Speed Machining (HSM) - Toolpath strategies that minimize machining time and tool breaking. Includes several technologies such
- as Adaptive Roughing that maintain a constant amount of tool engagement.
- Home - Location of machine after it is turned on and moved to its start position.
- ID - Inside diameter or contour, like a pocket.
- Insert - Carbide composite cutting tool used extensively for turning operations.
- Job - A sequential list of one or more machining operations that share the same setup and fixture offset.
- Machine Coordinate System - Coordinates in reference to the machine Home position.
- Mill - A machine tool that removes material by spinning a tool and moving it in relation to the part.
- OD - Outside diameter or contour.
- Overcut - Describes a machined feature is too big because not enough material was removed during machining.
- Post Processor - The part of a CAD/CAM system that actually creates and formats the CNC program for a specific machine and control.
- Rapid - The fastest linear feed rate at which a machine tool can move.
- Reference Point - Some point on the part that can be found reliably by mechanical means.
- Rigid Tapping - The capability of a CNC machine to control a tap without the use of a special tapping attachment.
- Scallop - Ridges left on the part, usually from a ball or bull nose end mill on a 3D sculpted surface.
- Setup- A complete set of work holding to machine one side of a part.
- Speed - How fast a tool turns in RPM.
- Spindle - Part of CNC machine that grips and spins the cutting tool.
- Stepdown - Distance the tool moves down in Z between machining passes.
- Stepover - Distance the tool moves over in the XY plane between machining passes.
- Stock Allowance - Amount of material left after a machining operation or pass to be removed by a finish pass.
- Spring Pass - Two or more machining passes that follows the exact same path. Used to straighten walls and improve surface finish.
- TLO - Tool Length Offset. Used to tell CNC machine the length of a tool.
- Tool Changer - A device on a CNC machine that automatically takes tools from a carousel and places them in the machine spindle.
- T-Slot - A slot in the machine table into which a special T-nut can be inserted. Used to fasten clamps or parts to the machine table.
- Turret - Lathe assembly that attaches the lathe tool holder to the machine.
- Undercut - Describes a machined feature is too small because too much material was removed during machining.